Weekly fees are individual to each resident and are based upon individual needs which are determined the pre-admission assessment. This assessment is carried out by a member of management or a senior member of the care team, and is to ensure that we are able to meet individual needs prior to us offering a fee proposal. The fee proposal considers each resident’s overall care needs, their choice of bedroom, and length of stay.

Privately Funded Resident’s

Resident’s can be self-funded and arrange and pay for their care independently.

Local Authority Funded Resident’s

We accept Residents funded by their Local Authority; however dependent upon the care home, the needs of the Resident and the accommodation chosen, an additional contribution will need to be paid by the Resident or next of kin to satisfy the difference between that paid by the Local Authority and the care home fee.

Respite Stay

Respite care can mean taking a break for yourself to re-energise, or it might mean a break for your carer or family who take care of you.
Here at Brampton Lodge, we understand the need for rest and recuperation and offer respite rooms at a fixed rate. Respite care must be booked for a minimum of a week.


What’s included:

  • The right to a free TV licence for the over 75’s ended last August. This is included in your fee’s and you will not be charged for this.
  • Wi-Fi – A full hard wire re-fitted Nov 2020
  • Housekeeping & Laundry Services Daily
  • Care Planning & Reviews
  • All meals; breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks in between. Complimentary glass of wine and sherry each day.
  • All utilities and other accommodation costs
  • GP Surgery next door which we can register individuals to
  • Activities and Lifestyle Programme individually tailored to each resident’s needs.
  • Netflix in communal lounge
  • Gin Bar – Open Fridays and for celebratory occasions
  • Library
  • Flat screen TV in each room
  • Telephone with personal number

What is not included in the weekly fee:

  • Chiropodist – Resident’s can have their own chiropodist come in or use our home chiropodist.
  • Newspapers – These can be ordered through us
  • Hairdressing
  • Toiletries